Tuesday, August 25, 2009

For Pug

Today I must say goodbye to one of my dearest friends, Igor the Pug. I met Igor when he was just a little pup and I immediately fell in love with that ultra-expressive, velvet-soft face. I remember coming back to the Dixon’s house late at night with Lewis to find Igor sleeping on his chair. We could never keep ourselves from waking him up and sticking our faces in his. He would always lick your face snuffling and grunting, then work his way to your ear so he could chew on it. During waking hours I loved to get him worked up playing to the point where he would sprint around the room. The faster he went the closer his butt would get to the ground.
I am not able to be with my little buddy for his last moments but I did get a chance to say a few final words to him over the phone. I told him that he is a champion, and that I try to live by his teachings. He has taught me that I must keep things in perspective. There are no things more important than family, sleep, food and a friend to rub your back. He taught me to never waste an opportunity to enjoy the sun. Lying in the sun in your backyard is a perfectly productive, and in fact essential, activity.
I also told Igor that I would likely never find a better sleeping buddy. I cherish the memories of nights spent sleeping with Igor on the couch in the family room. On a cold winter night there is nothing like having a snoring Pug at your side, singing you to sleep and warming you at the same time.
I know Pug is surrounded by the ones who love him most. My heart goes out to the Dixon family. As hard as this is on me I know it is immeasurably harder on them. They raised a great one and anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting Igor is in their debt. My personal debt to them is immense, and I hope these words can offer some kind of solace.
I don’t remember if I managed to choke out a goodbye to my friend, but I hope I didn’t. I don’t want him to get the impression that I won’t see him again. Our story is not over. This chapter may be finished but there is a whole book yet to be written. I’m just going to have to be patient. I know that Igor will be waiting for me at his place in the sun with a piggy-chew and his hedgehog. But until then I will miss my friend dearly. I love you Pug. I look forward to the day I can rub your shoulders and press my face into yours again.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this touching tribute, Reed! You were pug's favorite person on earth besides his family and I'm so glad you got to talk to him on the phone. I have photos of him listening attentively to you that I will post on my blog tomorrow. He had a very peaceful passing. Now I have to go wipe the tears from my eyes and cheeks....
